
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Week One Wrap-Up

Today's the last day of week one.

Here's how I did.

Kitchen purge: I did end up bringing some non-primal food into the house when I indulged my hot dog craving Thursday, but those buns have been safely placed on the top shelf, and W is preparing the last hot dog for himself as I type. So I feel pretty good about that.

Restock preparation: My order to Papa Spud's is in for this week: local cucumbers, butter lettuce, blueberries, and green bell peppers. Everything but the peppers will be organic. I know peppers are part of the dirty dozen, but I had 2.5 credits left in the box and the only locally available peppers, which happened to be exactly 2.5 credits, were conventional. So I'll rinse those extra carefully.

Increase daily movement: Monday through Thursday were great for this - I walked and stretched. Friday through Sunday, not as much - W and I were both sick Friday and though I felt better Saturday and Sunday, I was still a bit out of sorts. Plus, the weather has been bonkers. I'll keep working on this one.

Primal essential tools: I've got everything I need - yellow glasses, exercise clothes, etc. So I'm in good shape.

One of the things Mark Sisson mentions in his first book, The Primal Blueprint, is that not everybody will jump in and do the whole thing right away. We've got to do what's right by us.

Here are things I ate this week that are distinctly unprimal:
Frozen yogurt
Hot dogs, hot dog buns, baked beans
Pretty much anything I had at the party I went to Saturday
A hazelnut espresso milkshake
An orange smoothie
A key lime scone

It looks like a lot when I write it out that way, but here are the things I had that were pretty well primal:
Lots of eggs
Macadamia nuts
Dark chocolate
Salmon salad (this is going into regular rotation for our dinners - so tasty!)
Steak stir fry
Homemade berry banana smoothies

When I list that, it doesn't look like as much as I hoped, but I got 3 meals each out of the stir fry and salmon salad, had eggs 4 mornings this week, and made my own smoothie one day. So I'm doing quite well, I think.

I don't notice a big difference in my energy level yet, but I imagine that will take some time.

On to week two!

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