
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Week Two

Here are the goals for Week Two:

Diet - Primal Shopping Spree
The idea is to refill the now bare fridge and pantry with Primal essential foods. The thing is, I find when I try to "stock" much of anything, I end up throwing a lot out. So instead, I'm planning my menus pretty carefully and buying what I need from them. I'm getting fruits and vegetables mostly from Papa Spud's, but I'll also make a grocery trip tonight to pick up eggs and meat.

Exercise - Moderate Duration Aerobic Workout
I'm going to call 20 minutes a moderate duration for me because, aside from my morning walks, I'm pretty well sedentary. Swimming is my aerobic exercise of choice; walking is my second choice. The goal is to do a moderate duration aerobic workout at a relatively comfortable pace (55-75% of maximum heart rate). In the Primal Blueprint Fitness plan, one would ideally get 3 - 5 hrs of this sort of aerobic activity, over the course of about 4 days a week. But I think I'll slowly ramp up to that. I'll start with just one workout of about 20 minutes, going to the pool on Thursday. I thought there was no time to go swimming this week because of a busy schedule but I just learned that the Wellness Center will be open even though Thursday is a holiday, so I think I'll take advantage of the day off to go swim there. If it goes really well, maybe I'll go back Friday, too.

Lifestyle - Calm, Relaxing Evening
With a week full of rehearsals for a show I'm directing, this one will be a challenge! But here goes:

  • On nights when there's time, I'll go for a walk after dinner.
  • Household relaxation time is code for playing the Game of Thrones Living Card Game, which you can bet I'll be doing.
  • I've gotten very good at (and know I'm so lucky to be able to) waking without an alarm.
  • And then of course I'll continue my morning walks.
I have to say, finding the time to work all of this in over the course of a whole week instead of in just one day is much easier.

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