
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Week One

Here are my challenges for Week One:

1. Complete a kitchen purge/organization. The goal of this was to put all non-Primal foods in places hard for me to get to (tall shelves). I didn't get rid of them completely because W isn't going Primal and I want him to be able to get to his stuff. Our height difference is helping us out here.

2. Do some restock preparation. I got enough foods for primal meals for the week from Harris Teeter - eggs, meat, veggies, fruit. I also had lots of primal snacks already - nuts and seeds, for example. And then I made it a point not to fill the house with new non-Primal foods. I did have some - some frozen yogurt, some cookies at work - but I a) made sure they were high quality and b) limited the quantity. Finally, I've identified Papa Spuds, Trader Joe's, and Whole Foods as local options for getting the more difficult to find Primal stuff easily. Plus I may one day venture to one of the Farmer's Markets.

1. Increase Daily Movement. Thus far, I've walked for at least 10 minutes each morning, done some stretches at work, occasionally done a few dumbell rows, and made it a point to avoid elevators and always take the stairs. Those are easy to stick with. This "I'm antsy at work, I think I'll do 8 lb dumbell rows" thing seems like a good idea.

1. Get the tools in place for a Primal lifestyle. Mostly this meant being glad I'd already installed F.lux on both of my computers and getting some glasses with yellow lenses to wear when I'm having after-dark screen time.

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